Xaler & the Dragon A Relaxation Technique for the Fearful and Anxious Child

$8.00 + 5.75% Tax



There are thousands of stories for children, but this one goes beyond teaching a moral or providing a bit of entertainment. Xaler and the Dragon uses a storyline to teach children a relaxation exercise.
The story is really a Progressive Relaxation exercise. As your child hears the story your child is taught how to calm and sooth fears and anxieties. By the end of the story both your child and Xaler have conquered their fears and learned a valuable tool that can be used anytime and anywhere that fear may arise.

The hero of the story is a young child, about the age of your child, who has to master his feelings of fear in order to fight a mischievous dragon. Xaler (is the word relax spelled backwards and you can pronounce it anyway you would like) learns a magic song which enables him to calm his nerves and move forward. Each time he encounters a new fear he uses his song to keep himself safe and relaxed.

Spoiler alert! By the end of the story Xaler has mastered his fears, by learning to keep himself calm, and then befriends the dragon. We can never avoid all the things that frighten us, so the next best thing is to make peace with our fear by feeling peace around the scary things of life.


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