Did you know that pray can help?

Dumb question, right?  But do you know how it helps? Well, how it helps the Divine intervention part.

I want to share with you how psychologically prayer improves our mood and provides relief to our anxiety.  And that’s in addition to any Holly help from your spiritual supplications.

To understand prayer, I want to share about what causes or what is anxiety, and what is love.  By understanding love and anxiety you will be able to see exactly how love casts out fear.  To quote scripture. 1 John 4:18 (CSB) “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear…”

I am not actually doing a scripture study but an explanation of why this thought is true. And share a little how you can use prayer, however that looks for you and to whomever you pray, to help you with your fears around the Covid-19 virus.

Hi I’m Brett, your favorite shrink. I am a psychotherapist and executive director of the non-profit the Gathering of Good People.  The Gathering is dedicated to helping you grow, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

Today I am recording for you a new episode of a series called, ANXIOUS.   Anxious is all about anxiety and how to deal with our fears, particularly now with the corona virus, covid-19.

Well, this idea came to me after our last Anxiety Support group, which is free and online.  One gentleman from England commented in a chat that he has been praying as a way to help with his anxieties over the virus.  He was asking if there was anyone he could pray for.

What’s interesting about his situation is this friend from across the pond, is older. He’s in the high risk age bracket.  Not only that but his online business focuses on cruise travel, which has been stopped with the corona virus.  But instead of focusing on himself he is praying for others.